Why I love working at BREW

Why I love working at BREW

I had worked as a lawyer for quite some time before changing careers and joining BREW. What makes a career sustainable is the happiness, satisfaction and productivity you can derive from it. I had felt it was the time to make a change and I set my sights on the software development industry.

The thought of working at a software development company was fresh and exciting for me, and I wanted to find a company where I could retain this excitement throughout my employment. I saw a job posting by BREW and that’s how I found a new home for myself. What I loved from the get go was how warmhearted and nice all the people were. It’s still my favorite thing.

I went through an intense period of internship. It was a professionally and personally enlightening process for me, and not only because I was changing careers, but also due to how helpful every team member was, not just the QA team members, in contributing to my process of learning and adapting. I learnt how testing processes begin and are finalized, how to solve foreseeable problems and what stages testing processes typically go through. It was a very pleasant and productive internship overall.

Looking back now, I’m very happy to have made the switch from my previous career to working at BREW. It felt like passing through a portal at the time, while it was a new and anxious experience to leave behind the long waits at courthouse corridors and setting sail towards a new career, my team members at BREW helped and supported me through this tough transition. The environment at BREW is very comfortable, supportive, away from daily struggles caused by personal ambition and motivational towards improving oneself.

What is also refreshing is how loyal BREW is to company values. More often than not values of companies are purely for show and mostly hollow. That’s not the case for BREW. I was skeptical at first, but management and employees alike have interiorized the company values, which means they’re honest about their professional aims and means.

Switching careers is both a challenging process and a rewarding one, especially from law to software development, because that’s not a pairing that you see every day. You have to believe in yourself and surround yourself with people who believe in you. You need an extensive support system for your personal and professional needs, and I’ve been very lucky to have one. Gülay Tekneci supported and motivated me through the career switch and Erhan Varlık gave me extremely useful software development tips based on his own work and even during games we played together. After making the switch I was mainly guided and mentored by my QA team lead and the members of my team, who are a joy to work with.

The first ever project I worked on was for Mobilet, and it was truly an educatory experience. I then moved on to work on projects for Škoda, Sensat, Hines and EnUygun. I do think it has been a promising start and I hope to work on many projects to come.

I believe BREW is especially suitable for new-generation talent. The management and employees are caring people who put an environment of trust above all else, which the newer generation values immensely. BREW is a fun place to work, it’s adaptive and innovative with opportunities like working remotely, which make all the difference. I think if I was able to find a home at BREW after a career in law, everybody who’s dedicated and enthusiastic enough should be, too.

Beste Çağın Ağırdağ

Beste Çağın Ağırdağ

Quality Assurance Specialist

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