Transforming Simple Ideas into New Careers and Products

Transforming Simple Ideas into New Careers and Products

I want to share with you how we, at BREW, conceptualized a new software product, built it, formed a dedicated team for it, and aided our team members in navigating new career paths.

We are a tech company with a vision to foster innovation and initiate groundbreaking endeavours. We developed a simplistic yet innovative product named BeforeSunset AI, designed to enhance productivity. Here’s the story behind it.

BeforeSunset AI stands as a distinctive invention of our company, BREW. We envisioned something divergent, as existing time tracking tools didn’t resonate with us due to their complex nature. Our ambition transcended mere product development; we aspired to fabricate an environment conducive to ideation and experimentation.

Our CTO, Gökçen, initiated the concept, but it was our team, notably Elif, who actualized it. Elif, a key developer on the project, infused it with her passion, adventurous spirit, and creativity, elevating it to unprecedented levels. Her proactive engagement drove the project’s progress, and she now serves as the CEO of this next-generation, AI-powered tool… Having joined BREW as a testing engineer while still in university, Elif’s passion created new possibilities for BeforeSunset AI, and BeforeSunset AI gave her a whole new career path. After becoming the head of BeforeSunset AI, Elif formed her own team, developed, led and improved the product and turned it into something that we are enormously proud of.

We understand the challenge of maintaining work-life equilibrium, which prompted our endeavor to devise a solution accessible to all. Our unified vision consolidated a collaborative team of over 12 individuals, each contributing their unique skills and experiences. Our collective aim is to assist people in achieving a harmonious work-life balance, emphasizing presence and equilibrium. We utilize AI and cutting-edge technology to help in time management, in a sense working for the betterment of the whole lives of our clients.

BeforeSunset AI is much more than a time management tool. With the power of AI and based on your personal data, BeforeSunset AI auto-generates the most efficient and balanced daily schedule for you. By typing in your daily focus and syncing BeforeSunset AI with your calendar, you can now be provided with a specifically tailored schedule that has your best interest at heart and your habits in mind. BeforeSunset AI’s cutting-edge AI technology will suggest subtasks focused on your main goal of the day, give you more actionable to-do lists and integrate it into your schedule, merging seamlessly with your working habits and break requirements. BeforeSunset AI knows you, knows your schedule, your needs and goals, and gives you a personal schedule aimed at making your work-life balance healthier and more efficient than ever.

We embarked on our venture adhering to the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) methodology, committing to transparent product development. The dedication and fervour exhibited by Elif and the team not only attracted supportive believers but also secured us a considerable investment. Additionally, BeforeSunset AI was chosen “Product of the Month” on Product Hunt!

BeforeSunset AI is more than a tool; it serves as a companion in our bustling lives, subtly reminding us to allocate time for ourselves and prioritize what truly matters. It embodies our commitment to developing people-centric solutions. It has also proven to be a transformative experience for us: While BREW traditionally deals in providing services, building a new spin-off company focusing on a sole product has opened up entirely new horizons before us.

We cannot be more proud of BeforeSunset AI, and at BREW, we will always be on the lookout for new ideas and provide opportunities for various career paths for our passionate team!

Begüm Atılgan

Begüm Atılgan


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